Iranian Resistance’s Call for Immediate Action to Save the Life of Soheil Arabi


Iranian Resistance calls for saving the life of the political prisoner, Soheil Arabi, who has been on hunger strike for 48 days. It also askes all international authorities, especially the High Commissioner for Human Rights and rapporteurs on arbitrary arrests, torture and the right to life, to take immediate and effective action to save the life of this political prisoner who is in a very grave situation.

On Monday, March 12, Soheil Arabi’s health condition worsened. He suffers a severe weight loss and his kidneys are in an acute condition. He goes unconscious several times a day due to severe weakness. One of the prison officials had said earlier: Even if Soheil is going to die, he will not be taken to the hospital.

In the fall of 2013, Soheil Arabi, a photographer and blogger, was first sentenced to death by the Revolutionary Guard Corps and then sentenced to seven and a half years in prison. He was arrested for publishing the photos of the 2009 uprising and a cartoon of Khamenei and was charged with “propaganda activities against the state”, “apostasy” and “sabotage and insult against the sacred”. In addition, he was sentenced to three years behind bars, a fine, and 30 lashes for insulting regime leaders. In a message, he urged all the Iranian people to protest against the mullahs’ regime and to attempt to release political prisoners.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 13, 2018

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