Iranian Resistance condemns religious insults and incitement to violence by Iran regime



The Iranian Resistance condemns the mullahs’ regime for inflaming the religious sentiments of Muslims in different countries and inciting violence.

Mullahs’ Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei brazenly said on February 9, “the issue is to confront Muslims and Christians and it is appropriate that Muslims should show their fury.”

The Iranian Resistance also condemns insulting people’s religious beliefs, whatever they may be. Insults to the beliefs of Muslims, regardless of intent, will simply play into the hands of the clerical regime. The religious dictatorship ruling Iran must not be provided with ammunition on the pretext of free speech. The mullahs seek to realize their ominous designs for a global Islamic empire by exploiting Muslim sentiments.

The clerical regime in Iran has tarnished the image of Islam and Muslims more than anyone else in history. It is now trying its utmost to use the issue of the cartoons in European dailies to its advantage, particularly to divert attention from its nuclear projects, and the referral of its file to the UN Security Council.

The recent violence has been instigated by the regime’s Intelligence Ministry, the terrorist Qods [Jerusalem] Force, the Foreign Ministry, the Islamic Culture and Communications Organization, Global Association of Ahl al-Beit (Family of the Prophet), Global Association of Affinity of Islamic Denominations, and the Islamic Propaganda Organization.

Mullah Aboulghassem Khazali, and his son, Mohsen Khazali, both directors of the Global Association of Ahl al-Beit, traveled to Germany from Tehran on February 9, to closely follow up this issue in Europe. An agent of the Iranian regime, who is in charge of the European and North American Directorate of Global Association of Ahl al-Beit, by the name of Barati, was also engaged in extensive communications in recent days with fundamentalist cells in Europe and North America on this issue.

Mullah Mohammed-Ali Taskhiri, Head of the Global Association of Affinity of Islamic Denominations and a leading official responsible for the export of terrorism and fundamentalism, is presently attending a conference in Egypt and has called on the forces loyal to the clerical regime in various countries to organize attacks on foreign embassies and interests.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 10, 2006

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