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HomeStatementsStatements: Human RightsIranian Resistance condemns detention of Christians in Iran

Iranian Resistance condemns detention of Christians in Iran

A church in IranNCRI – The agents of the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security arrested a leader of the Assemblies of God Church in Tehran on Tuesday May 21. The MOIS agents took Pastor Robert Assarian to an undisclosed location and closed down the church.

Meanwhile, prison authorities of in Gohardasht prison have refused to provide medical care to imprisoned pastor Behnam Irani, who has serious health conditions. The prison guards also have raided prison cells collecting the prisoner’s TV sets and harassed the prisoners.

In Evin Prison in Tehran, Pastor Saeed Abedini, 36, who had been taken to hospital last month after his condition deteriorated, has been returned to ward 350 of Evin without minimum medical care.

He was arrested in October 2012 for setting up home churches and sentenced to 8 years prison term on the charge of “acting against national security”.
In Shiraz, imprisoned Christians in Adel-Abad prison suffer from diseases and poor prison conditions. Christian prisoners Vahid Hakany, needs immediate surgery due to gastrointestinal bleeding, but prison gaurds and mullahs’ Judiciary in Fars province refuse to provide him with medical services.

Vahid Hakany and three other Christians were imprisoned in February 2011 on the charges of participation in home meetings, promoting Christianity, communication with Christian organizations outside Iran, propaganda against the regime and disrupting national security.

The Iranian Resistance calls on all international bodies, human rights advocates particularly the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief and Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran, to condemn the detention and torture of Christian leaders and followers of various faiths.

The Iranian Resistance urges UN Security Council to take necessary measures to stop persecutions of religious minorities in Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 22, 2013