Iranian Resistance Calls to Save Lives of Hunger Striking Political Prisoners Facing Death


The Iranian Resistance warns of political prisoners currently facing death following long hunger strikes, and calls on all international human rights organizations, especially the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health; and the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention to take urgent and effective action to save their lives. The inhumane mullahs’ regime is depriving these prisoners of their most basic rights, recognized even under the regime’s own laws.

– Amongst the inmates held in ward 8 of Tehran’s Evin Prison Arash Sadeghi is currently in critical condition following a 60-day hunger strike. He has lost 19 kilograms of his weight and suffering from severe physical fatigue, abnormal heart rate, chronic breathing, and kidney and intestinal problems. He was transferred to Evin’s clinic on Wednesday morning, yet returned to the ward due to dire conditions and refusing to receive any serum.

Mr. Sadeghi was a philosophy college student studying for his Master’s degree in Alame University. He has been deprived of continuing his studies due to his activities as a college student. He was arrested time and again between 2009 and 2014. He has been sentenced to 19 years behind bars on charges of “propaganda against the state, assembly and collusion against national security.” Iranian regime authorities have threatened Sadeghi and cancelled all his visits.

“You will see your wife after you die,” the authorities have told Sadeghi.

His wife, Golrokh Iraie, has been condemned in absentia by a so-called “court” for insulting the “”establishment and the leader” of the hideous mullahs’ regime over an unpublished piece against the inhumane stoning punishments issued in Iran.

– Morteza Moradpour can no longer walk after 59 days of hunger strike. He is suffering from serious liver and kidney illnesses. He has fainted many times during the past few days and may suffer a heart attack, go into a coma or even lose his life at any moment. He launched his hunger strike protesting being deprived of a fair judicial process in the mullahs’ so-called “courts.”

“Will I be released or will I die?” he asked in a soundbite from inside prison. Moradpour has been sentenced to three years behind bars on charges of “assembly and collusion to commit crimes against Iran’s security” and “propaganda against the establishment.”

On Monday, December 19th, Moradpour’s family staged a gathering for the third consecutive day outside the regime’s public prosecutor’s office in Tabriz, northwest Iran, protesting the dire conditions imposed on their loved one. Regime repressive forces attacked this gathering, arresting and imprisoning a number of individuals for a few days, including Moradpour’s brother.

– 17 days after Saeed Shirzad launched his hunger strike in Gohardasht Prison of Karaj, west of Tehran, he is currently suffering from extremely low blood pressure and fatigue. He is protesting poor ward conditions, insults, pressures and attacks by prison guards, preventing prisoners from going to hospitals and … An employee of the Tabriz Oil Refinery, he was first jailed for 19 days after rushing to the aid of earthquake stricken villagers back in 2012 in East Azerbaijan Province, northwest Iran. He was arrested once again on June 2, 2014 and has remained in limbo ever since.

– There is no information about the conditions of Mohammad Ali Taheri in Evin Prison. He has been on hunger strike since September 28. He was sentenced to five years behind bars on bogus and fabricated charges of “insulting the sanctities, illegal use of scientific titles, misguided nature of books and publications.” His time behind bars ended on February 7 of this year, according to the very verdict issued by the regime’s own so-called “courts.” However, the regime’s judiciary has forged new cases and charges for Taheri, refusing to release him as a result.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 23, 2016


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