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HomeStatementsStatements: Human RightsIranian Resistance calls to save life of political prisoner Soheil Arabi

Iranian Resistance calls to save life of political prisoner Soheil Arabi


NCRI – The Iranian Resistance calls on the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Human Rights Council, UN Rapporteurs and pertinent organs, as well as international human rights organizations, to take urgent steps to annul the death sentence of political prisoner Mr. Soheil Arabi.

The Iranian Resistance also calls for the adoption of binding decisions against the growing arbitrary executions by the religious fascism ruling Iran.

Photographer Soheil Arabi, 30, is married and has a 5-year-old child.

He was arrested by the revolutionary guards (IRGC) in November 2013 for publishing satiric criticism of regime’s officials in his Facebook account and was placed under much pressure and torture in Ward 2A of Tehran’s Evin Prison that is controlled by the IRGC to extract forced confessions from him.

Clerical regime’s Supreme Court upheld Mr. Soheil Arabi’s death sentence on November 23 under the pretext of insulting the prophet and sanctities. This verdict was hastily issued just a month after the preliminary court’s ruling.

In separate cases, he had been charged with “propaganda against the system and insulting the leader” and sentenced to three years imprisonment, five million Rial in fine, and 30 lashes.

The allegation of “insulting the prophet of Islam” by a regime that itself is the worst enemy of Islam and Muslims and its leaders justify their heinous crimes in the name of Islam and Quran is but an excuse.

The main problem of regime’s leaders that guides them to issue such verdicts is the growing rage and loath of the Iranian people for their system which is demonstrated by them every day in different manners.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 27, 2014