Iranian Resistance calls to save life of Kurdish political prisoner

NCRI – A hunger-striking Kurdish political prisoner has been transferred from Orumieh prison to prison in the city of Mahabad. This could be a threat to his life.

Mansour Arvand is charged with ‘moharebeh’ – meaning enmity against God – and his death sentence was recently upheld by the regime’s Supreme Court.

After his transfer to Mahabad, guards equipped with batons and electric shock guns were sent into Orumieh to quell any protests from prisoners. Inmates were also stripped and searched before being allowed to see their visiting families.

Mr Arvand was one of 29 Iranian Kurdish political prisoners on hunger strike for ten days in Orumieh in protest at the transfer of non-political prisoners to the political prisoners’ wing and jailing political prisoners alongside dangerous criminals.

Phone lines were cut off at the prison to prevent news of the hunger strike from reaching the outside world. But the protest has now gained the support of political prisoners locked up in prisons across Iran.

The Iranian Resistance has called on all human rights organizations to take urgent action to save the life of Mr Arvand and other Kurdish political prisoners, and to back the demands of all hunger-striking inmates across the regime.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 30, 2014

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