Iranian Resistance calls on Swiss authorities to arrest Mostafa Pour-Mohammadi


The criminal Interior Minister of the mullahs’ regime must be prosecuted in an international tribunal for crimes against humanity

NCRI – The state-run news agency Fars reported on October 10 that the mullahs’ criminal Interior Minister Mostafa Pour-Mohammadi has travelled to Geneva to take part in the 11th trilateral summit of Afghan Refugees Repatriation.

The Iranian Resistance believes that inviting one of the most dreaded criminals of modern times to international organizations in Switzerland to be a betrayal of human rights and the sacred right of asylum and as such strongly condemns it.

Mullah Mostafa Pour-Mohammadi was among the perpetrators of the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988. Since the inception of the Ministry of Intelligence and Security, Pour-Mohammadi acted as deputy to the minister, mullah Mohammad Mohammadi Rayshahri. As the ministry’s representative, Pour-Mohammadi took part in the meetings of the "Death Commission" that was tasked with carrying out the fatwa by Khomeini to massacre 30,000 political prisoners. He also held the post of Acting Deputy and Deputy in the Intelligence Ministry’s Foreign Affairs Directorate under Ali Fallahiyan and Qorban-Ali Dori Najafabadi, subsequent intelligence ministers in the 1990s. During Mohammad Khatami’s presidency, he was appointed to the Supreme Leader’s special office for intelligence and security.

Pour-Mohammadi was among the principals in the "chain murders" in the 1990s, in which at least 120 dissidents, writers and intellectuals were abducted and brutally murdered. After the grisly murders of Dariush and Parvaneh Forouhar in autumn 1998, the killers phoned Pour-Mohammadi as the commander of this shocking crime to inform him of their "success."

Mullah Pout-Mohammadi’s actions are by any standards tantamount to a crime against humanity. His entry to international organizations such as the headquarters of the United Nations, UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Committee of the Red Cross is shameful and undermines the very values for which millions have lost their lives over the past century.

The Iranian Resistance calls for Pour-Mohammadi’s expulsion from international organizations and arrest by the Swiss government so that he may be prosecuted in an international tribunal for crimes against humanity.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 10, 2006

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