Iranian Resistance calls on EU’s Ashton to cancel Tehran visit, cites surge in executions

Members of families of a prisoner in Iran watch as he his being hanged in PublicThe misogynist mullahs’ regime ruling in Iran, hanged Farzaneh Moradi, a 25-year-old woman, on Tuesday, March 4, in a prison in the city of Isfahan after she had spent six years in prison.

The criminal sentence was carried out despite extensive opposition by the Iranian people and international organizations. She was hanged without any knowledge of her lawyer…

 The wretched woman who has been a victim of the rule of a group of corrupt and reactionary mullahs has left behind a 10-year-old daughter.

At the time of her execution, Farzaneh was in a dire physical and psychological state.

Additionally, on March 3, a 23-year-old young man by the name of Mehrass was hanged in Jooybar. He was 17 at the time of arrest for alleged offense.

Also, a day earlier (March 2), another 23-year-old young man was secretly hanged in Zahedan’s Central Prison. He was also a minor at the time of his arrest.

In another criminal act, on Wednesday, February 26, six prisoners were secretly and collectively executed in the Gohardasht Prison of Karaj.

One of the victims, the 20-years old Reza Ganjloo, had spent four years of his life in the Youth Ward of Gohardasht Prison.

Therefore, just in the period of February 26 to March 4, three prisoners who were minors at the time of their arrest were hanged.

As the arbitrary and collective executions by the regime takes a new dimension with over 150 executions in the first 65 days of 2014, visiting Iran and appeasing its rulers and disseminating the illusion of their moderation, only emboldens the regime to carry out more execution, torture and massacre.

A visit to Tehran by the EU’s High Representative Lady Ashton, at the peak of executions in Iran, will be considered an approval for the regime’s policy of slaughter and suppression. Therefore, the Iranian Resistance calls on Lady Ashton to cancel her visit and not add to the agony of the Iranian people.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 5, 2014

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