Iranian Resistance calls for urgent action to save the lives of political prisoners

Reports from Iran indicate that the mullahs’ regime is planning to execute a number of political prisoners during the Iranian New Year holidays, which begin next week.

“We will destroy you before anything,” prison officials in Gohardasht have told political prisoners repeatedly, if the Security Council adopted punitive actions against the regime.

One political prisoner currently in danger of execution is Valiolah Feiz-Mahdavi, 28, who was arrested in 2001 and sentenced to death.

Following the hanging of a Mojahedin member, Hojjat Zamani on February 7, the inhuman mullahs’ regime is now threatening all Gohardasht political prisoners, and specifically Mr. Feiz- Mahvadi, with execution.

On the eve of the United Nations Human Rights Commission meeting in Geneva,  the Iranian Resistance calls on all relevant international organizations to take urgent action to stop the massacre of the political prisoners in Iran.  Silence and inaction by the international community vis-à-vis these growing threats, will only embolden the regime to carry out its evil intentions to execute political prisoners.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 16, 2006

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