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Iranian Resistance calls for urgent action to save the life of Valiollah Feiz-Mahdavi

Iranian Resistance calls for urgent action to save the life of Valiollah Feiz-MahdaviMullahs’ regime has informed Mr. Feiz-Mahdavi he will be hanged on May 16

According to reports received from Gohardasht prison in Karaj (west of Tehran), the mullahs’ regime has informed in writing Mr. Valiollah Feiz-Mahdavi of his death sentence.  The ruling, signed by Mr. Feiz-Mahdavi, stipulates that the sentence will be carried out May 16.

Valiollah Feiz-Mahdavi, 28 was arrested in 2001 and subsequently sentenced to death in a kangaroo court. 

Following the execution of Mojahedin member Hojjat Zamani on February 7, the regime announced a few days before the Persian New Year on March 20 that it would carry out the execution of Mr. Feiz-Mahdavi during New Year holidays.

Ali Mohammadi, an official in Gohardasht Prison, also threatened Mr. Feiz-Mahdavi with death.

Gohardasht prison officials have continued to threaten political prisoners with execution. Moghanian, the warden of the Prison’s section two told the prisoners, “Don’t ever think that by going to the Security Council, we’ll leave you alone.  If something happens to us, we will cut you to pieces.”

The Iranian Resistance calls on international organizations and authorities, especially the United Nations Council of Human Rights and the High Commissioner for Human Rights, to take urgent action to stop the execution of Mr. Feiz-Mahdavi.  It also urges the dispatch of a fact-finding mission to Iran to investigate the dreadful situation of Iranian political prisoners.

Silence and inaction by the international community vis-à-vis these growing threats, will embolden the tyrannical rulers in Iran to carry out the execution of political prisoners affiliated with the Mojahedin and other political groups.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 29, 2006