Iranian Resistance calls for urgent action to save political prisoners on hunger strike



NCRI – The Iranian Resistance calls on all human rights bodies and organizations, especially the High Commissioner for Human Rights, UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and the Special Rapporteur on human rights violations in Iran, to take urgent action to save the lives of political prisoners who have resorted to hunger strike to protest deplorable condition of regime’s torture centers and the growing wave of arbitrary executions who are currently in critical condition.

In Qezel Hessar prison, six Kurdish political prisoners have staged a hunger strike since November 4 in protest to their death sentences as well as their transfer to ordinary prisoners’ wards. From the outset, instead of looking into the strikers’ requests, henchmen battered and transferred them to solitary confinement. After 41 days of hunger strike, they are having convulsions, sharp drop in blood pressure, and their physical conditions have badly deteriorated. Four of them have experienced bleeding in their digestive system and have kidney infection; they also suffer from acute vision and hearing problems, muscle pains, and insomnia. Several of them have numerously lost consciousness and are hardly able to move. Henchmen have severed contact between the striking prisoners and other prisoners.

They have declared that until their death sentences are revoked, they shall continue with their hunger strike. Henchman Nasiripour, the so-called prisons supervising judge, has threatened them with quicker execution if they continue with their hunger strike.

In this same prison, since November 25, around one thousand prisoners, mostly on the death row, have gone on hunger strike to protest group executions. This strike quickly gained momentum and their number reached 3000 and continued for ten days.

Similarly, in various wards in Evin Prison, at least four of the political prisoners have gone on unlimited hunger strike to protest tyrannical sentences by mullahs’ Revolutionary Court, deprivation of medical services, and the inhuman conditions in the wards.

In Maragheh Prison, 50 prisoners went on hunger strike on Tuesday, December 3. These prisoners who are in the youth ward are protesting intolerable prison conditions, including lack of heating equipment.

A political prisoner, transferred to ordinary prisoners’ ward in Bandar Abbas prison, has gone on a hunger strike since November 10. This prisoner who is under control of intelligence-security henchmen and his contact with other prisoners has been cut, has numerously been threatened to be killed by Hassan Morsalpour, chief of Bandar Abbas prison. Morsalpour is a relative of Qasem Soleimani, Commander of the terrorist Quds Force. Another political prisoner in Borazjan prison has also gone on hunger strike since December 8.

Underscoring the fact that negotiation with the religious fascism ruling Iran on the nuclear issue with eyes set on economic interests while turning a blind eye at the brutal violation of human rights and group executions only emboldens this regime in intensifying its crimes, the Iranian Resistance calls on human rights defenders worldwide to stage a global campaign to end arbitrary executions, inquire into demands by protesting prisoners, and object to the international community’s silence regarding crime against humanity in Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 14, 2013

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