Iranian Resistance calls for independent inquiry Evin Prison raid

NCRI – The Iranian regime has stationed Revolutionary Guards from the IRGC anti-intelligence section in Ward 350 of Evin Prison to prevent leakage of information, as well as to further pressure and control the political prisoners in this ward.

The criminal measures perpetrated against the prisoners by the revolutionary guards and the intelligence agents have been so atrocious that the leaders and authorities of the regime are fearful of its disclosure and try to deny what unfolded in Evin Prison last Thursday.

For the same purpose, the Iranian regime on Monday prevented many family visits that usually are being conducted on Mondays.

On Sunday, April 20, Mehdi Kouchakzadeh, a member of regime’s parliament, told the families who had assembled in front of the parliament to protest the barbaric treatment of prisoners that the reports by foreign media are all lies.

“What you are following up on is a political act. In judicial work you need to have evidence and document … moreover, the testimonies of prisoners is unacceptable since it is in their own favor”, he said.

On Thursday, intelligence agents and revolutionary guards raided Ward 350 of political prisoners in Evin Prison and even beat up 70-year-old prisoners with batons, punches and kicks while humiliating and insulting them with the most vulgar terms. They even deprived the battered and the injured from medical treatment.

Following these attack, 32 prisoners were transferred to solitary confinement blindfolded. During this transfer, the prisoners had to walk between two lines of criminal henchmen who punched, kicked and used batons to batter them.

The prisoners were then transferred to the solitary cells in Ward 240 where the barbaric treatment by the revolutionary guards and the intelligence agents continued.
The prisoners were taken to the solitary cells blindfolded and while taking a beating such that they constantly fell down on the way and in the stairs.

Insult and humiliation continued during this period. Then, prisoners’ hair and mustache were shaved off in a humiliating manner and they were stripped. They were treated in the most shameful and repulsive manner and many were threatened with rape.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the UN Secretary-General, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and other pertinent UN bodies, as well as all human rights organizations to strongly condemn these atrocious measures and it further demands an independent international inquiry into this anti-human atrocity.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 21, 2014

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