Iranian Resistance calls for saving life of Ayatollah Kazemeyni Boroujerdi

NCRI – The Iranian Resistance calls on all international bodies and mechanisms to take effective and immediate measures to save the life of political prisoner Ayatollah Hossein Kazemeyni Boroujerdi who is at the risk of execution.

On Saturday morning, October 4, following a sit-in and the insistence by Mr Boroujerdi’s family to see him, a short visit ensued.

Regime’s henchmen brought Mr. Boroujerdi to the place of the visit while his hands and feet were in chains. He is being kept in solitary confinement cells allocated to prisoners condemned to death who are about to be executed and he is in dire physical condition. In this visit, Mr. Boroujerdi has said that he has been severely tortured.

On Wednesday, October 1, Ayatollah Boroujerdi was suddenly transferred from the special clerics’ ward in Evin Prison to the solitary confinement section in this prison. Last week, Mohammad Movahedi, “special prosecutor for clerics”, visited Mr. Boroujerdi and described his beliefs and views that were a different interpretation than that of Khamenei as “apostasy and heresy” and stated that his sentence is death.

Mr. Boroujerdi was arrested in October 2006 and in a sham trial was condemned to 11 years in prison. Mr. Boroujerdi who is suffering from many ailments due to eight years of imprisonment in regime’s medieval prisons is deprived of essential medical treatment.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 4, 2014

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