Iranian regime’s judiciary advisor defends the inhumane punishment by stoning

NCRI – Mohammad-Javad Larijani, the mullahs’ Judiciary Chief Advisor and an ideologue within the clerical regime, attended a gathering of “Prosecutors from Islamic Capitals in Tehran,” in which he defended the inhumane punishment of stoning and said, “We will never surrender Islam in the face of human rights concerns … During the adoption of these (human rights) laws, the world of Islam was in complete ignorance while liberals and secular parties formulated and imposed these laws onto the entire world … We must elucidate punishment by stoning clearly to those who denounce it. We had a revolution so that Islamic laws would be implemented … We will never give up Islam in the face of these challenges” (State-run news agency ILNA, May 30, 2007).

In another development, Saeed Agha Sadeghi, an advisor to the Chief of the Iranian regime’s Prisons Organization announced that the youth arrested and charged with being “thugs and hooligans” during the recent wave of crackdowns “will be denied all privileges in prison.” This is clearly an inhumane measure, which blatantly violates all international norms with regards to treatment of prisoners.

The Iranian Resistance draws the attention of the United Nations Secretary General, High Commissioner for Human Rights, UN Human Rights Council, and all international human rights organizations to the rising and systematic human rights violations in Iran. It also calls for the referral of the mullahs’ appalling human rights record to the UN Security Council for the adoption of binding decisions.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 1, 2007

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