Iranian regime steps up repression in Iran

Appointment of Pour-Mohammadi to head State Security Council
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian regime’s president, appointed Mullah Mostafa Pour-Mohammadi, Interior Minister and one of the key officials involved in the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988, to head the State Security Council.

The State Security Council coordinates domestic security affairs between the State Security Forces, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, and other security forces and agencies. Pour-Mohammadi’s appointment to the post follows another appointment on January 2 by Khamenei when Pour-Mohammadi was named the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the State Security Forces (SSF). The aim of the appointments is intensified repression in the face of an unprecedented increase in social protests in recent months.

Pour-Mohammadi was a deputy minister of the Intelligence Ministry since its inception in 1984 and its representative in the three-man “Death Commission” in 1988 that was tasked with implementing Khomeini’s fatwa (religious decree) to massacre 30,000 Mojahedin and other dissident political prisoners in that year. Pour-Mohammadi was among the principals in the "chain murders" in the 1990s, in which dozens of dissidents, writers and intellectuals were abducted and brutally murdered.

Atrocities perpetrated by Pour-Mohammadi are the most manifest examples of crimes against humanity for which he must be brought before an international criminal court.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 21, 2006

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