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Iranian regime expedites mass executions

Iranian Resistance calls on Security Council to prevent killing of Iranian prisoners
NCRI – The mullahs’ regime hanged seven prisoners in public in northwestern city of Mashhad, the official news agency IRNA reported on Wednesday. Other reports from inside Iran indicate that 15 more prisoners in Tehran’s Evin Prison are going to be executed imminently.

Speaking to reporters in a weekly press briefing yesterday, the spokesman of the regime’s judiciary, Alireza Jamshidi, confirmed that two Iranian Kurdish journalists by the names of Adnan Hassanpour and Abdulvahed Boutimar from the city of Marivan have been sentenced to death.

Tehran’s Prosecutor General Saied Mortazavi had also announced earlier that two prisoners by the names of Hossein and Majid Kavousi-Far are going to be hanged in public in Tehran on Thursday, August 2, 2007.

At least 16 prisoners have been hanged in Tehran and other cities in the past two weeks.

Among those executed or to be executed are some political prisoners who are charged with ordinary crimes.

Currently a wave of barbaric executions has spread across the country in a futile attempt by the faltering clerical regime to stop public upheavals and prevent its inevitable downfall.

Inaction by the international community and in particular the European Union vis-à-vis the mass executions in Iran and ongoing deals and relations with the criminal regime while killing of Iranian people is taking place means nothing but collaboration with the regime in suppression of the people.

The number of executions has rapidly stepped up in Iran following the unlawful re-designation of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran in the EU’s terror list in defiance of the Court of First Instance of the European Communities’ ruling by the EU. The shameful terror label against the main Iranian opposition has been considered as a green light by the regime to continue with its crimes and murder.

The international community bears a grave responsibility today in dealing with the religious fascism ruling Iran. The Iranian Resistance calls on the UN Secretary General, the Security Council, the European Union and all human rights organizations to condemn the wave of executions in Iran. It also calls for referral of the regime’s file on its human rights violations to the Security Council for immediate action to stop murder and bloodshed in Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 1, 2007