Human rights: Iranian regime executes 70 in 20 days to avert popular rage

NCRI – The Iranian regime’s hangmen executed a group of 11 prisoners including a woman in Ghezal Hesar prison in city of Karaj on Friday evening, May 9, raising the number of execution to at least 70 in past 20 days.

The prison guards had beaten the prisoners on Friday morning for resisting their transfer to solitary confinement prior to execution.

On May 8, a prisoner was hanged in public in the city of Saveh. He had been charged with killing a member of suppressive State Security Forces.

On May 7, three prisoners were hanged in the main prison in city of Qom (central Iran). On the same day a Kurdish prisoner was hanged in city of Sanandaj (western Iran), while another Kurdish prisoner from city of Urumiyeh was executed in the city of Hamadan.

A group of five prisoners were hanged on May 5 in the central prison of city of Kerman (southern Iran) and another prisoner in the prison was hanged in city of Semnan (northern Iran).
A young man, Navid Firouzian, 25, in city of Zahedan (southeastern Iran) was hanged on May 1. Another prisoner identified as Hamid Nouhtani was hanged in the same week in prison in city of Gonbad-e Kavous.

On April 20, another group of 11 prisoners were executed in Ghezel Hessar Prison in Karaj.

A total of at-least 34 prisoners had been executed from April 21 to May 1. (Statement by the Secretariat National Council of Resistance, May 2).

The growing trend of executions in cities across Iran demonstrates the fright of the mullahs’ regime from an uprising by the Iranian people who are under extreme pressures. This fear has been publicly expressed by the regime’s officials and in reports by state-run news media.

Hassan Rouhani, the president of the clerical regime, vividly expressed concern on May 6 for what he described as the “low threshold of people’s tolerance” (Fars News Agency, May 6).

Additionally, a number of state-run media warned of people’s ‘sensitivities’ reaching ‘the boiling point’.

Ebtekar daily wrote on May 10: “Everyone is talking about the low threshold of tolerance in the society and warns about the perils of such a state… the daily realities around us do confirm this danger… any wrong move in this circumstance is like a spark in the gunpowder depot.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 11, 2014

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