Iran – Woman hanged amid international protests



NCRI – A female nurse, Shahla Jahed, 40, was hanged this morning in Tehran’s notorious Evin prison after eight years prison, accused of homicide.


The criminal sentence was carried out amid extensive efforts to save her life in recent years by women’s rights and human rights activists. Even the family of the person who was allegedly killed by her disapproved of her hanging. As a result of campaigns to save her life and following a reassessment of the case, her death sentence was dropped. However, the regime’s judiciary head Sadeq Larijani reaffirmed her sentence.

Ms. Sarvnaz Chitsaz, Chair of the NCRI’s Women’s Committee, deplored such barbaric punishments and said, “For as long as the inhuman and misogynist regime is in power, stoning, executions, whipping and other medieval punishments against people will continue.”

Ms. Chitsaz calls on all human rights and women’s rights organizations to deal with terrifying and growing violations of human right in Iran, particularly against women, and urged them to take urgent measures to stop the prevailing criminal trend in Iran. 

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 1, 2010

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