Iran: Widespread suppressive measures to prevent protests on anniversary of student uprising

Nationwide uprising in Iran – Statement 79

NCRI The religious fascism ruling Iran has resorted to widespread suppressive measures ahead of the July 9th anniversary of the 1999 student uprising in Iran, in a bid to thwart the escalation of popular protests in the country.

All of the regime’s suppressive forces, including the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the paramilitary Bassij Force, the State Security Forces (SSF), the special anti-riot force, plain-clothes agents, and agents from the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) have been put on high alert.

Moreover, the clerical regime has dispatched reinforcements, particularly Bassij, from various locations, especially cities surrounding Tehran, to be stationed at the capital city’s mosques, such as Nosrat, Imam Hossein, and Rasoul, in anticipation of clashes with the people.

The street presence of SSF, Bassij, and plain-clothes agents, equipped with weapons and batons, has visibly increased in Tehran since Wednesday afternoon. The regime’s suppressive forces prevent passersby from stopping at Vali Asr Square, and harass people at check points set up in various parts of Tehran, including Vali Asr Street, Fereshteh and Elahieh districts.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 8, 2009

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