Iran: Widespread student protests in Tehran, Shiraz, Zahedan, Dezful and Hamedan

Second week of student sit-in started in Sistan and Baluchestan University 

NCRI – Second week of student sit-in started on Monday on the campus of Sistan and Baluchestan University.

On November 15, Three thousand students gathered on university grounds protesting to police brutality on campus. A student was seriously injured by the security guards.

Participating students demanded the resignation of the university chancellor and his deputies connected with the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS). The scheduled classes came to a complete halt because of the protests. Many faculty members also joined the protests.

Separately, a number of students went on hunger strike over the suspension of five of their classmates at Tehran's Khajeh Nasir Toosi University. The suspended students had earlier in the year protested to the mass execution of political prisoners in 1988.

Agents of MOIS assigned to the school with the Bassij paramilitary students attempted in vain to breakup the strike. The protesting students vowed to stay on as long as their friends' suspensions were lifted.

In the meantime, hundreds of female students on Tuesday protested to restrictions imposed on them by the university administrators in Free University in the southwestern city of Dezful.

In the western city of Hamedan, students demonstrated on the tenth anniversary of "chain murders" which took the lives of some Iranian intellectuals and writers under former mullahs' president Mohammad Khatamei on the campus of Boali Sina University.

In past weeks, students protested to mullahs' suppressive measures against students in Shiraz University in southern Iran.

With December 6, the Student Day, closing in, the clerical regime is in fear of student demonstrations and protests which is marked by thousands of students all over the country.

The Iranian Resistance calls on all international human rights organizations in particular student unions to condemn the suppressive measures imposed by the Iranian regime and support their protests.  

Secretariat of the  National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 20, 2008

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