Iran-Unrest: Widespread clashes in Mahabad between residents and suppressive forces

NCRI – Various parts of Mahabad were the scene of clashes between residents and suppressive security forces of the Iranian regime on Sunday. The clashes began before noon following the death of a teenager killed by the Iranian regime’s agents and continued until after midnight. The mullahs’ regime rushed suppressive anti-riot forces from neighboring towns to Mahabad and laid down martial law in the city.
The anti-government protests began after a young Mahabadi man was killed while resisting harassment by suppressive police agents. Residents of Posht Tapeh and Baq Shaygan neighborhoods gathered in protests and where brutally suppressed and fired upon by the police force. Despite the regime’s suppressive measures to quell the protests, they continued and residents shouted anti-government slogans.
During the protests yesterday, a large number of demonstrators were arrested. Protests have rocked Mahabad since last summer and hundreds have been arrested with no word on their status.
The Iranian Resistance calls on international human rights organizations throughout the world to condemn the mullahs’ crimes in Mahabad and to campaign for the release of all those in detention.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 21, 2005

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