Iran: UN General Assembly condemns widespread human rights violations in Iran

Maryam Rajavi calls for bringing the regime’s leaders before international tribunal

NCRI -This evening, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution condemning gross violations of human rights in Iran. Thus, the regime’s hysteric attempts at striking a dirty and despicable deal with some foreign governments and states with a poor human rights track record to prevent the adoption of this resolution were met with defeat as the international community took a united stance against the religious fascism ruling Iran.

Following the adoption of the resolution text at the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly, the mullahs’ regime offered states free or cheap deals for oil and various other financial contracts and support in order to bribe certain states into endorsing a counter-resolution aimed at halting the passage of this resolution condemning human rights violations in Iran at the General Assembly. However, revelations by the Iranian Resistance and the will of the international community to condemn the crimes of the clerical dictatorship prevented this ploy from succeeding. Thus, the UN General Assembly, the world’s supreme body, adopted the 55th resolution condemning the regime for flagrant violations of human rights.

The resolution refers to the UN Secretary General's report on “widespread human rights violations and deep shortcomings and obstacles in the way of safeguarding human rights”. It expresses “deep concern over serious human rights violations” in Iran, such as "torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment such as flogging and amputations” … “continuing large numbers of executions including public executions and execution of minors” … “the existence of prisoners awaiting to be stoned to death” … “arrests of and violent crackdowns on women” … “making threats to terrorize women working for human rights and continuation of discrimination against women and girls in law and practice” … “increasing discrimination and other human rights violations against religious, ethnic, linguistic or other minorities” … “ongoing and serious restrictions of freedom of opinion and expression, peaceful assembly and association, and the increasing harassment, intimidation and persecution of political opponents and human rights defenders from all sectors of society." 

In addition, the resolution "Requests an update from the Secretary-General on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran" to be presented to the next session of the UN General Assembly.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance congratulated the Iranian people and all defenders of human rights throughout the world on the adoption of the resolution and added, "At the time when the world is witnessing the execution of juveniles and political prisoners under torture in Iran and horrendous scenes such as the killing of 18 female prisoners in the regime’s notorious prisons, despite the fact that the resolution covers only a fraction of the crimes committed by the mullahs’ regime, it clearly demonstrate the fact that the ruling religious fascism does not value any of the basic human rights principles and international covenants. Thus, it has no merit to be a part of international community and should be isolated."

She said, with the passing of the new resolution, it is high time to refer the Iranian regime’s dossier to the U.N. Security Council and the leaders of the mullahs’ regime to stand trial in an international tribunal for the gross violations of human rights including more than 120,000 political executions as well as its terrorist crimes abroad. The regime’s crimes in the past three decades amount to crimes against humanity.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 18, 2008

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