Iran: Two killed in attacks by suppressive forces against protestors in Isfahan

NCRI – According to obtained reports, on Monday, January 5, 2009, people in the central city of Homayounshahr formed a gathering in front of the city hall in protest to the arrest of dozens of mourners and residents. The arrests had occurred a day before during the mourning rituals of Muharram (marking the slaying of third Shiite Imam, Hossein, grandson of Prophet Mohammad).

The regime’s suppressive State Security Forces (SSF), fearing the escalation of this protest, hurled tear gas, fired warning shots into the air, and attacked protestors. In the ensuing clash between the SSF and protestors, two of the protestors were killed due to shots fired by the regime’s SSF.

The Iranian Resistance sympathizes with the victims’ families, and considers the increasing trend of suppression as a sign of the ruling religious fascism’s mounting trepidation in the face of popular uprisings. The Iranian Resistance calls on all international human rights organizations and associations to refer the dossier of the Iranian regime’s crimes to the UN Security Council and to implement comprehensive sanctions against the regime. The Iranian Resistance demands immediate and effective measures to stop such crimes.

The Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 8, 2009

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