Iran: Two Former Political Prisoners Rearrested, Call for Their Release


NCRI – The Iranian regime’s repressive forces rearrested two former political prisoners by the names of Misters Mohammad Banazadeh Amir Khizi, 71, and Assadollah Hadi, 57, on Saturday night, February 18th, and Sunday morning, February 19th. These arrests took place in a span of a few hours and the two were transferred to Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison.

Mr. Amir Khizi is a known bazaar merchant arrested in December 2009 for making a phone call with his child, a member of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) then in Iraq. He was then sentenced to five years behind bars. After serving his time he was released in November 2014 after being continuously harassed by authorities who imposed a variety of restrictions despite him suffering from cancer.

Mr. Hadi, a political prisoner of the 1980s, was last arrested in December 2010 and endured five years behind bars until his release in September 2015. He spent 13 months in wards 240 and 209 of Evin Prison under torture. As a result he suffered chronic heart illnesses, back and leg problems, and hearing disorders.

The Iranian Resistance calls on all human rights organizations to take urgent and effective action for the release of these prisoners.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 21, 2017




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