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HomeStatementsStatements: Human RightsIran: Two Executions in Abadan and Ahvaz

Iran: Two Executions in Abadan and Ahvaz

 7 officially announced executions in past week

NCRI – On Sunday, May 23, a prisoner was publically hanged in Abadan, southwest Iran, for alleged involvement in drug trafficking. The officials of the clerical regime did not release the details of the prisoner.

In the meantime, another prisoner who was identified as S. R. was executed in prison, in the city of Ahwaz, southwest Iran.

The hangings took place a day before Ahmadinejad’s visit to Khuzestan province in a bid to intimidate the local population.

With the latest hangings, the number of executions officially announced in the past week reaches 7. Two of the hangings were carried out in public in Abadan and Ahvaz.

The regime is trying to intensify the atmosphere of intimidation by widespread executions, particularly in public, to forestall continuing uprising. These crimes have generated greater hatred toward the regime adding to people’s determination to reject the clerical regime in its entirety.  

The Iranian Resistance calls on all international human rights organizations to take     urgent measures to stop the trend of increasing human rights violations, particularly death penalties, in Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 25, 2010