Iran: The Dire and Inhumane Conditions of Political Prisoners in Sheyban Prison in Ahvaz

Sheiban prison in Ahvaz, Iran
Sheiban prison in Ahvaz, Iran

Prisoners starving in the Greater Tehran Prison

A Call for measures to save the lives of prisoners and for an international inquiry mission to visit Iranian prisons

The health condition of several political prisoners in Sheyban Prison in Ahvaz is alarming. Prisoners’ access to food is extremely difficult, and the prison store, which is the only food supply for prisoners, has been closed.

Both ears of the political prisoner Gholam Hossein Kalbi became infected long ago, such that he has lost hearing in one of his ears. Mr. Kalby is currently being held in ward 7 of this Prison, which is a ward for criminals and drug addicts, and is deprived of the minimum medical care.

Another political prisoner, Massoud Massoudi, was shot and wounded during the March 2020 rebellion in Sheyban Prison. He is in critical condition because his wound has become infected.

Ayub Porkar, a political prisoner who had a stroke, is in a dire situation and is denied primary care. He cannot eat the Prison’s food, and due to the closure of the prison store, he has no other way to buy the necessary food items.

In another development, four death row political prisoners, including Ali Khosraji and Hossein Silavi, have been transferred to solitary confinement for three weeks and are being tortured and pressured. The situation of these detainees, who are denied family visits, is unknown, and their families are very worried.

According to reports, prisoners in the Greater Tehran Prison (Fashafouyeh) wards face severe food shortages and suffer from starvation. In the best case, the prisoner’s share for lunch is 10 to 12 spoons of rice. Prisoners have to make up for the lack of food at their own expense.

Because the Prison lacks drinking water, prisoners must buy water, paying 30,000 rials for each bottle. Most prisoners are heads of households, and now, in addition to their families being left without income, they have no money to buy water and food items.

The Iranian Resistance urges the United Nations Secretary-General, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the UN Human Rights Council as well as the relevant UN rapporteurs and other human rights organizations to undertake measures to save the lives of prisoners urgently and to ensure an end to the ongoing torture and ill-treatment. The Iranian Resistance once again underscores the call by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), for the dispatch of an international commission of inquiry to Iran to visit Iranian prisons and meet with the prisoners, especially political prisoners,

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
October 16, 2020

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