Iran Terrorism: NCRI’s FAC Chair urges UN’s Human Rights Council to expel Saeed Mortazavi

NCRI’s Foreign Affairs Committee Chair urges UN’s Human Rights Council to expel Saeed Mortazavi,  calls for his arrest for crimes against humanity

NCRI – In a letter addressed yesterday to Ambassador Luis Alfonso De Alba, President of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Mr. Mohammad Mohaddessin, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, condemned Saeed Mortazavi’s presence in the current session of the Council, describing it as abhorrent and a violation of the principles which the Council has been tasked to safeguard.

In this letter, copies of which were sent to the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and the Swiss Foreign Minister, he wrote, “To allow a henchman entry in Switzerland under diplomatic cover has profoundly tormented Iranian people many of whose loved ones have been victimized during Mortazavi’s tenure.”

Mohaddessin added, "Instead of being received by the United Nations, he should be expelled and the Swiss judiciary should arrest and turn him over to a competent international tribunal for crimes against humanity.”

At the time of Mohammad Khatami’s presidency, Saeed Mortazavi, in his capacity as the Media Judge, shut down 80 papers close to the “reformists” and was directly involved in all the crimes of the recent years against the Iranian people. Last fall, he ordered the implementation of the sweeping “Zafar” plan in Tehran in which 2,000 young people in different districts were arrested and imprisoned. In the winter of 2006, he was responsible for crackdown on the Terhran’s Transit workers who went on strike for their overdue wages.

On November 16, 2003, the Canadian government blamed Mortazavi for Zahra Kazimi’s death. An Iranian-Canadian-photojournalist was raped and killed under torture while in custody in the notorious Evin Prison.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 22, 2006

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