Iran: Tehran youth turn a soccer game into an anti-government protest

NCRI – In a soccer game between two Iranian soccer clubs, young people in Tehran staged a protest and damaged dozens of buses while chanting anti-government slogans.

Despite the extensive presence of anti-riot units and State Security Forces (SSF), the protest rapidly spread throughout the city.  So extensive was the scale of the protests that the state-run media was forced to report it.

“The sky above the stadium was filled with smoke and the youth attacked and damaged many transit buses and broke their windshields,” the state-run news agency IRNA reported yesterday.

The suppressive SSF arrested a number of protesters and took them to unknown locations.

Young people use any opportunity, especially sports events, to express their indignation and hatred towards the mullahs’ regime.  Yesterday’s protest occurred despite the heavy presence of the SSF, the paramilitary Bassij forces and plainclothes agents.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 22, 2006

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