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Iran: Suppressive plan to intensify combat “thugs and hooligans,” a further step in crackdown

NCRI – Brigadier General Mohammad-Reza Alipour, head of the police intelligence in Tehran said, “The intensified plan to combat thugs and hooligans will begin in Tehran from tomorrow,” reported the state-run daily Resallat on November 26.

He added, “This is a follow up plan of the previous one… to implement the plan the necessary coordinations are already in place with the office of Tehran’s prosecutor. This will be done in an expeditious manner in the special branches of the prosecutor’s office to investigate the crimes of the detainees.”

On July1, 2006, former State Security Forces’ chief in Greater Tehran, Brigadier General Morteza Talai, implemented a similar plan in the capital.
These suppressive measures which are successively enforced particularly in Tehran are meant to suppress further spread of uprisings and demonstrations which the mullahs’ regime is unable to suppress. All Iranian people and especially the noble residents of Tehran are clearly aware that the root of insecurity, corruption, addiction, and etc are the leaders of the regime who are the actual thugs and hooligans.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 26, 2006