Iran : Suppressive forces open fire on people protesting water shortage

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NCRI – The suppressive forces attacked residents of Jozjan in Fars Province, southern Iran, protesting against water shortage on Sunday, March 30. The State Security Forces (SSF) opened fire on protestors exceeding 1,000.

The angry protesters suffering from water shortages for a long time blocked the main highway connecting provincial capital city of Shiraz to Bandar Abbas in the south. They were chanting slogans against the leaders of the regime and its officials.

"We have no drinking water and the authorities do nothing about it," protesters said. They were shouting: "We want water."

The security forces fired tear gas to disperse the crowd and opened fire on protesters. The defenseless residents responded by throwing stones and sticks against SSF agents. The drinking water well had dried up, the residents said, and new wells are urgently needed. They complained that water is not provided even by tankers.

On Wednesday, March 26, some 200 residents of Ashtian in the Central Province also staged a protest outside the governorates office against water shortages and their demands were met with brutal crackdown.

While the clerical regime is spending billions of dollars of oil revenues on its nuclear weapons project and export of terrorism and fundamentalism, the people of Iran are deprived of their most basic needs such as drinking water; the regime's response to them has been tear gas and bullets.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 31, 2008

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