Iran: students arrested for attempting to publish cartoons against Khomeini and Khamenei

NCRI – The mullahs’ deputy prosecutor in the southwestern city of Ahwaz, Farzad Farhadi announced that five Jondishapoor University students were arrested "for attempting to distribute anti-government leaflets," the official new agency IRNA reported yesterday.

"The leaflets carried insulting cartoons against Khomeini and Khamenei, the [mullahs’ supreme leader], " said Farhadi.  

In past months, student uprisings have increased dramatically in schools such as Tehran, Polytechnic, and Allameh with students chanting anti-government slogans: "Death to dictator," "Free all political prisoners," "Students die but will not be humiliated." A number of students were arrested and detained in the dungeons.    
The Iranian Resistance calls on all international human rights organization, in particular the student unions to condemn the regime’s suppressive measures against students and to take urgent actions to free the detainees.
Secretariat of National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 2, 2007

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