Iran: SMS network disrupted, internet cafes raided ahead of 1999 uprising anniversary

Nationwide uprising in Iran – Statement 78

NCRI – Fearing anti-regime protests ahead of the July 9 uprising anniversary, the Iranian regime has once again disrupted the SMS network in the past few days, while placing numerous restrictions on internet cafes. The suppressive measures come on the heel of the tenth anniversary of a student uprising in July 1999 (known as 18th Tir in Iran).

The clerical regime’s suppressive forces in Tehran and many other cities like Kermanshah and Sanandaj have also attacked internet cafes, arresting a number of youths during the raids.

The mullahs’ authorities have declared Wednesday and Thursday as holiday and encouraging people to leave Tehran. They have also closed many universities, forcing students to leave dormitories.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 8, 2009

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