Iran: Six hanged in three cities

 NCRI – Four prisoners hanged in Kerman prison on Saturday, Fars state-run news agency report. They were named as Morteza Y., Akbar J., Mehdi B. and Alireza S.

Today’s hangings took place three days after the November 4 mass uprising and is aimed to intimidate people and create fear among youths who have displayed their resolve to overthrow the dictatorial regime and establish democracy and people’s rule in their nationwide protests over recent months. 

On Tuesday, November 3, a prisoner by the name of Abdulhamid Rigi was hanged in Zahedan prison. A 25-year-old man was also hanged in Bojnourd prison, reported Khorrasan daily, October 13.

Iranian Resistance calls on all human rights organizations to condemn growing violations of human rights and rising number of executions in Iran. It also calls on them to adopt urgent measures to stop executions in Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 7, 2009

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