Iran : Seven hangings, 11 death sentences in four days

NCRI – The dramatic rise in executions by the inhuman and medieval regime ruling Iran continues unabatedly.

The daily Iran wrote yesterday that four persons, including a young man, were hanged at dawn yesterday in Tehran.

The same day, the state-controlled Jomhouri Islami reported the hanging of a 36-year-old man in the central prison of the southern port city of Bandar Abbas on Thursday.

On November 5, the state news agency, IRNA, quoted the public relations office of the Department of Justice in the southeastern Sistan and Balouchestan Province on the hanging of a young man, named Mohammad Askani, in the town of Iranshahr. He had been charged with murdering two bodyguards of the mullahs’ President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

IRNA also reported the hanging of Najibollah Gheiyoumi in the same town on the charge of drug trafficking.

Yesterday, IRNA quoted Abbas Jaafari, Khuzistan Province’s Department of Justice Chief as saying that the death sentences for 10 people, whom he described as “the perpetrators of last year’s bombings in Khuzistan,” were upheld by the Supreme Court. Jaafari stressed that they will hang shortly.

On Wednesday, the state-run news agency Fars reported that the death sentence for a man named Mohammad-Ali had been upheld.

These bring to seven and 11 the number of people hanged or sentenced to death respectively in four days.

The Iranian Resistances urges international human rights organizations, and in particular the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, to condemn these arbitrary executions and take urgent action to stop the rising trend of executions in Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 10, 2006

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