Iran: Sentencing Prisoners to Death in Public, Clerical Regime’s New Cycle of Savagery



The clerical regime’s judiciary has sentenced two prisoners to death in public. According to the state-run media, Tabnak, on March 27, Massoud Massoudifar, head of the Fooladshahr court (Isfahan), announced that two prisoners named Mohammad Gh., 38 years old, and Sadegh M., 25, were sentenced to death by hanging in public by the First Branch of the Isfahan Revolutionary Court and Branch 1 of the Provincial Criminal Court.

Issuing public hanging sentences points to a new cycle of savagery by the clerical regime, which has stepped-up repression as the only way to deal with the rage and disgust of the people and to prevent its inevitable downfall. This was Khamenei’s main objective when he appointed Ebrahim Raisi, the butcher of the 1988 massacre, as the regime’s president.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the United Nations Secretary-General, the UN Human Rights High Commissioner and the UN Human Rights Council, the relevant UN reporters, and other human rights organizations to take urgent action to save the lives of the two prisoners. It also calls for an international commission of inquiry to visit Iran’s prisons and meet with prisoners, especially death row prisoners. The brutal and systematic violations of human rights in Iran must be referred to the UN Security Council and the regime’s leaders must be brought to justice. Dealing with a regime that recognizes no boundaries in torture, execution, and murder is a breach of the basic principles and standards of human rights that form the foundation of the United Nations.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

March 29, 2022

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