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HomeStatementsStatements: Human RightsIran: Security and Intelligence Agents Attack Political Prisoners in Greater Tehran Penitentiary

Iran: Security and Intelligence Agents Attack Political Prisoners in Greater Tehran Penitentiary

iran-prison-beating-prisoners-minSeveral Political Prisoners Wounded

NCRI logoOn Friday, October 8, 2021, acting on orders by the Greater Tehran Penitentiary (Fashfouyeh Prison), a number of imprisoned criminals attack political prisoners with knives, clubs, and brass knuckles, wounding several of them, including Akbar Bagheri, Pouya Ghobadi, Shapour Ehsaniarad, Esmail Gerami, and Akbar Faraji. The wounded prisoners were taken to the Prison’s infirmary.

In collusion with the mercenaries, prison guards, who were aware of the attack, deliberately locked the hall to prevent the political prisoners from leaving. Only after the end of the assault and the wounding of prisoners, the guards opened the door to the hall. The Prison warden supervised the attack.

Akbar Bagheri has been sentenced to nine years in prison on charges of “membership in the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK/PMOI),” and “propaganda activities against the regime.” Pouya Ghobadi, 27, has been in Fashfouyeh for two and a half years on the same charges. The clerical regime’s Judiciary has set a bail of 500 billion rials for his temporary release, which his family cannot afford. Esmail Gerami, 67, and Shapour Ehsanirad, a labor activist was sentenced to five and six years in prison, respectively.

After the media reported the attack, Mohammad-Mehdi Haj-Mohammadi, the head of the Clerical Regime Prisons Organization, attempted to justify the crime. The state-run news agency IRNA published his tweet, which said,” Regarding the vague news about the clash in Greater Tehran Prison it must be noted that prison is not a place filled with intellectuals but criminals. Despite the controls, disagreement and tensions between them are not unexpected.”

It is worthy of note that after the hacked cameras at Evin prison revealed the painful and inhuman treatment of defenseless inmates by Khamenei’s henchmen, Haj-Mohammadi shamelessly apologized to Khamenei and the prison guards for that behavior and referred to the henchmen as “honorable prison guards.”

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), condemned the brutal attack on political prisoners in the Greater Tehran Prison and urged the United Nations, the United States and the European Union, and the member states to take urgent action to save the lives of the political prisoners. She once again reiterated the need for an international commission of inquiry to visit the Iranian regime’s prisons and meet with prisoners. Under the mullahs’ rule, prisons have no meaning other than being torture chambers and slaughterhouses, Mrs. Rajavi said, adding: The case of horrific and systematic human rights violations in Iran, especially the treatment of prisoners, should be referred to the UN Security Council. The leaders of the regime must be brought to justice for four decades of crimes against humanity.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

October 9, 2021
