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Iran regime’s Supreme Leader beats the drums of war

Iran regime's Supreme Leader beats the drums of war NCRI – This morning, in a warmongering speech, the Supreme Leader of the mullahs’ regime Ali Khamenei threatened the United States with terrorist actions. He said, "The U.S. government must expect a hard slap on the face and a blow from the Islamic umma”. He added that the U.S. "would make the people of the world outraged at itself, and the world more insecure" for itself. Khamenei defended the regime’s dirty warmongering attitude towards the people of Lebanon and Palestine and said, "Islamic Iran feels the responsibility to stand by the underdog people of Lebanon and militant people of Palestine."

Such comments are reminiscent of the unpatriotic Iran-Iraq war which lasted for eight years with a bogus slogan of "Capturing Jerusalem via Karbala” (Shiite Islam’s holiest shrine) and brought human and economic loses for Iran.

Yesterday, the head of the regime’s Guardian Council, Ahmad Jannati called on Muslim countries to supply Lebanon with "all types of aid, especially arms."  

Khamenei’s speech leaves no doubt about the ominous intentions of the mullahs’ regime for the region and indicates that the religious fascism in Iran is the main obstacle to peace and tranquility in the Middle East.

The world community should adopt a firm policy against the mullahs’ regime and not hesitate to stand up to its warmongering attitude and export of terrorism and instability to other countries. The Iranian Resistance’s President-elect, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, said at the beginning of the Lebanese crisis: The solution for the region is for the United Nations Security Council to eliminate the influence of the mullahs’ regime across the Middle East, especially in Lebanon, Palestine and Iraq.

The Iranian Resistance reiterates that the only loser from peace in the region and democracy in Iraq is the religious dictatorship ruling Iran. Contrary to its demagogic propaganda, the mullahs’ regime has inflicted the greatest blows to the people of Palestine.

A year ago, as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ascended to power, the Iranian Resistance reiterated that by appointing a Revolutionary Guards’ commander at the helm, Khamenei had declared war on the Iranian people as well as the international community on the nuclear issue, domestic problems and in Iraq. Since then, the continuation of the appeasement policy by offering the mullahs incentives and concessions has given them more time. 

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 2, 2006