Iran regime’s rejection of UN Security Council resolution requires comprehensive sanctions



NCRI – Today, Ali Larijani, the Secretary of the Iranian regime’s Supreme National Security Council, clearly rejected international demands to halt uranium enrichment and described UN resolution 1696 as a lever in U.S. hands to "exert pressure" on the regime. He said the resolution had no "legal basis." He brazenly said, "We will not accept the suspension, since we have not done anything wrong to have to agree to it."

 It is clear that from the mullahs’ point of view, 18 years of clandestine nuclear activities in clear violation of the NPT is not considered deception of the international community just as the execution of 120,000 political prisoners and the export of terrorism by the regime is not considered a crime either.

"The package has nothing. We are not responsible. Those who did it (the EU) should be held responsible," said Larijani about the nuclear incentive package. He added, "In an atmosphere where there is no trust, packages are meaningless."

Larijani said, "We will expand nuclear technology at whatever stage it may be necessary and all of Iran’s nuclear technology including the (centrifuge) cascades will be expanded" Larijani reiterated and brazenly said, "We are ready for negotiations," he brazenly added.

Separately, Hamid-Reza Asefi, the regime’s Foreign Ministry spokesman, blamed the EU for the referral of the mullahs’ nuclear dossier to the UN Security Council and said, "The resolution is not acceptable in any way and it is not legally credible since it does not recognize Iran’s rights."

The NCRI’s Foreign Affairs Committee Chair, Mohammad Mohaddessin, said, "Three months after the package of incentives was first offered by the P5+1 countries and three years after the beginning of the European troika’s nuclear negotiations with the regime, it has clearly rejected the incentives and UN resolution 1696 and insisted on the continuation of enrichment. This is a policy which has been approved by all factions of the mullahs’ regime and proves right the Iranian Resistance’s position that the policy of appeasing the regime has been a failure."
Mohaddessin reiterated that four years of inaction since the Iranian Resistance first revealed the Natanz and Arak clandestine sites in 2002 brought the mullahs closer to acquiring atomic bomb. He called on the United Nations Security Council to urgently adopt comprehensive oil, technological, diplomatic, and arms sanctions against the mullahs’ regime.   

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 6, 2006

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