Iran regime’s leaders vow to continue uranium enrichment

By resorting to threats and blackmail mullahs are trying to prevent a firm decision by the UN Security Council

NCRI – Yesterday, the regime’s parliamentary speaker Qolam-Ali Haddad-Adel described UN resolution 1696 as "illogical" and said, "This resolution has no judicial justification…Iran does not accept a suspension of uranium enrichment." He threatened that the regime would stop cooperating with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and that there was no longer a "reason for membership in such organizations."

Separately, in regards to the mullahs’ atomic projects, the regime’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid-Reza Asefi said, "We do not trust the Europeans…we have to wait until the end of August to see what path they will follow. If they do not want to adjust course and end up following the wrong path, we will change course too and act proportionately."

The  editor-in-chief of the semi-official daily Kayhan Revolutionary Guards Brig. Gen. Hossein Shariyatmadari said that it was a "wrong move" by the regime to have considered the P5+1 incentive package, adding, "We should not describe reviewing our membership in the NPT as a possibility; rather we should leave it (the NPT) as soon as possible. It is impossible for Iran to suspend activities relating to enrichment."

The NCRI’s Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Mohammad Mohaddessin said, "The numerous statements made by the regime’s officials reveals two realities; one is that the regime is willing to acquire the atomic bomb at any cost. Secondly, it is adopting a policy of blackmail to force the international community to postpone the imposition of sanctions against it; and at same time engage Western powers in fruitless negotiations in order to buy crucial time. This is something which increases the urgency and redoubles the need to impose comprehensive sanctions against the mullahs’ regime."

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 14, 2006

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