Iran regime releases a key member of Kerman serial killings

NCRI – The Iranian regime has released one of the murderers involved in the August 2003 serial killings in Kerman (south of Iran), the regime’s media reported.  He was released March 20 on bail.

The killer, a member of the Paramilitary Bassij Force, and five accomplices murdered five young boys and girls in Kerman in a series of grisly killings.

Families of the victims of the Kerman serial killings, expressed outrage at the ruling by regime’s Supreme Court. Their lawyer said that the ruling was against mullahs’ own laws.

The release of the killer came despite the fact that the lower court had sentenced all six to death. However, the regime’s Supreme Court noted, “The accused are pious young men and their thinking that the victims deserved to die was not wrong.” 

The release of the Bassij members will only give the regime’s henchmen free rein in cracking down and killing innocent Iranians.  Moreover, the ruling came at a time when after the ascension of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, inhuman executions in different cities have risen unprecedented. 

The Iranian Resistance urges the United Nations Security Council, the Human Rights Council, and the High Commissioner for Human Rights to condemn the growing trend of unjustified executions in Iran. It also calls for the referral of abysmal human rights dossier to the Security Council for immediate sanctions against the mullahs’ regime.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 24, 2006

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