Iran Regime Arrests Family Members of the Victims of 1988 Massacre in Fear of Justice-Seeking Movement

Iran Regime Arrests Family Members of the Victims of 1988 Massacre in Fear of Justice-Seeking Movement

Simultaneous with the anniversary of the massacre of political prisoners in 1988, and while the nationwide uprising continues, the ruling religious fascism in Iran, in fear of the rise in Justice-Seeking Movement, has arrested a number of families of these martyrs.

In an instance in Gorgan, a number of family members of martyr Mohsen Mehrani, including Dr. Mojtaba Mehrani, dentist and 67 years old, Masih Mehrani, 62, and ladies Sousan Mehrani, 55, Mohaddaseh Mehrani, 50, and Elnaz, 28, (daughter of Mohaddaseh Mehrani), were arrested on July 19, 2018. There is no news about the detainees. Mohsen Mehrani was executed in 1988 during the massacre of political prisoners in Gorgan prison.

Iranian Resistance calls on all the people, especially the brave youth, to protest these arrests and show support and solidarity with the prisoners of the uprising. It also asks the Security Council, the Secretary-General, the Human Rights Council and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and other relevant international bodies, as well as the European Union and the member states to take immediate action to free these innocent individuals and other arrestee in the uprising, the names of many of whom have been sent by the National Council of Resistance (NCRI) to concerned authorities. A number of those arrested during the past months have been killed under the brutal tortures of Khamenei’s murderers.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 20, 2018

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