Iran: protests, hunger strike by political prisoners & their families


Iranian Resistance calls on international human rights organizations to condemn rights violations of prisoners by religious dictatorship ruling Iran

Political prisoners in ward 2 of Gohardasht Prison in the city of Karaj, west of Tehran, began chanting slogans such as “Death to Despotism” and “Death to Dictator” on Sunday, October 18 when Tehran prisons’ chief Sohrab Soleimani and Gohardasht Prison warden Mardani were inspecting the facility. Political prisoners were chanting so loudly they forced the terrified regime officials to evacuate the prison, these reports indicate. The inmates were protesting how prison authorities are not abiding by the regulations of keeping inmates separate based on their crimes. In order to increase the torture and impose further pressure on political prisoners, the mullahs’ regime is mixing them amongst criminal prisoners and or individuals suffering from dangerous and contagious illnesses.

In the meantime, Mr. Mohammad Ali Taheri, a political prisoner in Evin Prison, is suffering from dire health conditions after more than 60 days on hunger strike. He was protesting the inhumane death sentence issued against him.

In other news on Monday, October 19, hundreds of mothers of martyrs, family members of political prisoners and human rights advocates rallied in Tehran’s Vanak Square protesting the dire conditions of their loved ones and relatives who are held behind bars. Agents of the mullahs’ Ministry of Intelligence agents, under the guise of building construction workers and taxi drivers, were keeping a close watch on the protesters. Repressive forces were dispatched to prevent the crowd from increasing and at 11:30 am they had closed off the area, not allowing any further bystanders from joining the gathering.

On Saturday, October 17 another protest rally was held outside Evin Prison. The regime’s intelligence agents were seen apprehending a number of protesters.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran, other relevant rapporteurs and human rights advocates to condemn the religious fascism ruling Iran for its repressive and criminal practices vis-à-vis prisoners, and especially political prisoners. Furthermore, it calls on these entities to impel the Iranian regime to recognize prisoners’ rights.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 21, 2015

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