Iran: Protests against detention of Ayub Ganji, a religious leader in Sanandaj

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NCRI- People took to the streets on Saturday to protest against detention of Mamousta Ayub Ganji, the Imam of Qaba Mosque, by the agents of the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) in the northwestern city of Sanandaj.

The participants demanded the immediate release of Ganji. The State Security Forces (SSF) — mullahs' suppressive police — cordoned the gathering fearing that the demonstration might get out of hand but people, in particular the youth, continued with their protest.

In a sermon on January 25, Ganji lashed out against the clerical regime for the death of a student from Sanandaj under torture. Subsequently, he was arrested and brutally tortured by the agents of the MOIS.  Fearing widespread riot by the local residents over Ganji's detention, the MOIS released him briefly. However, he was detained for the second time.

A large number of youths participated in the demonstration outside Qaba Mosque, where Ganji preached, and it spread to other parts of Sanandaj.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the UN Secretary General, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Religion or Belief and all international human rights organizations to condemn the mullahs' medieval regime and adopt necessary measures to secure Ganji's release. 

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 20, 2008 

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