Iran; popular uprising in Marivan entered its sixth day

Lion and Sun official symbol of the NCRI


Citizens torched the IRGC vehicles

Maryam Rajavi lauded the heroic uprising of residents in Marivan and called on other cities throughout the nation to support them

NCRI – Widespread uprising of the citizens in the northwestern city of Marivan entered its sixth day. On Friday, the local residents clashed with the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and torched two of their vehicles. People in Marivan called on other Kurdish cities to withdraw their savings from the Iranian regime’s banks and refuse to pay their bills.

The mullahs’ regime dispatched fresh security forces from the nearby Saqqez and Orumieh and housed them in Marivan’s garrison.

In an undeclared martial law imposed in Marivan the streets such as Shabrang and Bayveh Square were heavily manned by IRGC units and paramilitary Bassij Force. 25 local residents, mainly youths, were arrested.

According to reliable sources it all began on March 2 with an all out strike by border city of Marivan's residents specially bazaaris protesting to living conditions, unemployment and rising costs.

Agents of the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), fearing the spread of popular protests, attacked the people and arrested a numbers.

On March 3, the shopkeepers shuttered their businesses in protest to border closings which heavily affected their business. The participants then marched to the governor’s office and staged a sit-in.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance lauded the popular uprising in Marivan and called on other people throughout Kurdistan province as well as other cities in Iran to support them. She said that the mullahs’ regime with its anti-popular policies of stealing tens of billions of dollars of the Iranian people’s wealth has been spending on nuclear weapons project, domestic suppression and export of fundamentalism and terrorism. This regime with its astronomical plunder has brought nothing but economic destruction, exacerbating poverty and deprivation to millions of Iranians.

Mrs. Rajavi called on the UN Security Council, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and all other competent international bodies as well as labor unions to condemn the suppression of people in Kurdistan. She also called for immediate measures to free the detainees.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 8, 2009

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