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HomeIran News NowIRAN: Political Prisoners in Urmia Forcibly Displaced to a Severely Restricted Security...

IRAN: Political Prisoners in Urmia Forcibly Displaced to a Severely Restricted Security Ward


NCRI-50Twenty detainees transferred to solitary confinement for resisting displacement

On Monday morning, January 10, 2022, the clerical regime transferred the political prisoners in Urmia Central Prison to a new ward, which lacks basic living standards, including communication equipment, and is controlled by many cameras.

When the prisoners refused to go to the new ward, the prison warden ordered the guards’ special units to severely beat them and transfer them to the new location. Twenty detainees were taken to solitary confinement, and one was reported to be in critical condition due to severe beatings.

On December 12, 2021, some 47 political prisoners in Urmia Central Prison went on a hunger strike to protest the displacement order. Subsequently, the prison head suspended the order temporarily to end the hunger strike.

By intensifying repression and pressure on political prisoners, depriving them of medical services, issuing death sentences and long prison terms, and displacing them to remote prisons, the inhuman clerical regime is desperately trying to force the political prisoners to participate in forced confessions on video on the one hand, and prevent young people from rising up and joining protests on the other hand.

The Iranian Resistance once again calls on the United Nations, human rights organizations, the European Union, and its member states to take urgent action to save the lives of political prisoners. Ignoring the brutal and systematic violations of human rights in Iran under any pretext is not only in sharp conflict with internationally recognized principles, standards, and treaties but also will embolden the regime in its export of terrorism and endangering regional and international peace, as well as intensifying its efforts in pursuit of an atomic bomb.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
January 11, 2022