Iran: Political prisoners go on hunger strike to protest noise transmission



NCRI- Since Saturday morning, November 2, political prisoners in hall 12, ward 4, of Gohardasht prison have gone on a hunger strike to protest transmission of noise waves in prison.

It is a long time that the Iranian regime’s henchmen are transmitting noise waves inside Gohardasht prison, especially in areas dedicated to political prisoners. This anti-human measure has severely endangered the health of prisoners where they are suffering from dryness of mucus, muscle pains, severe headaches, blurring of the eyes, nausea and constant loss of sensation.

In addition to other pressures, restrictions and suppressive measures in prison, noise transmission which also causes cancer has turned the prison into a place for gradual death of prisoners.

As acknowledged by the regime’s head of Prisons Organization, the official capacity of Gohardasht prison is 5,000 inmates, but presently there are 22,000 prisoners piled up in this prison. Scarcity of space is such that prisoners even have no place to sit while lying down is in shifts and prisoners even have to use the space inside restrooms to rest.
Sanitary condition is horrendous; polluted water and lack of minimum facilities to take shower has caused an outbreak of contagious and dermal diseases amongst prisoners. Prison’s infirmary lacks the minimums for medical services and henchmen deprive prisoners, most of who suffer from various diseases, access to medical care. Very limited food ration has led to malnutrition and further illnesses with lack of heating equipment in the cold season adding to the already catastrophic conditions of this prison.
Iranian Resistance calls on international bodies, especially the UN Human Rights Council and the High Commissioner for Human Rights to take urgent steps to free the political prisoners and stop these anti-human tortures and pressures.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 2, 2013


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