Iran: Political prisoners denied medical care




A call to save the lives of political prisoners Ayatollah Kazemaini, Mohsen Daneshpour, Alireza Rasouli

NCRI – The health of many political prisoners in Iran is deteriorating as the regime continues to torture prisoners by depriving them of access to medical care.

Mr. Mohsen Daneshpour Moqadam, 70, a political prisoner incarcerated in Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison, has recently started to suffer from amnesia.

His current condition has been caused by a blockage of brain veins after he had been denied medical care and has had no access to physicians or proper medication.

Daneshpour Moqadam, who has already been a political prisoner in the 1980s, is suffering from various illnesses, including acute cardiac problems and arthritis, due to intolerable conditions in the Iranian regime’s prisons.

To intensify the pressure on this elderly prisoner, the henchmen have deprived him of all medical care although he is even unable to manage his personal daily routines.

Mohsen Daneshpour was last arrested in January 2010, along with his son Ahmad Daneshpour, his wife and two other relatives for family connections with members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

The health of Mr. Ahmad Daneshpour has also deteriorated due to torture, lack of access to medical care and consuming unsuitable food provided in prison.

Ahmad is suffering from acute colon problems and has developed intestine bleeding causing a sharp weight loss.

Both Mohsen and Ahmad Daneshpour have been sentenced to death on the charge of ‘Moharebeh’ (enmity with God).

The Iranian regime executed two brothers of Mr. Danshpour in the 1980s because of their support for the PMOI.

Ayatollah Kazemaini Boroujerdi, being held in Evin prison, is also in a grave condition. He is suffering from various illnesses due to torture and the prison conditions.

His health has deteriorated and he lost a lot of weight as he staged a 16-day hunger strike to protest against the suppression of women and the youth under the pretense of “promotion of virtue and prevention of vice”.

However, instead of offering him medical care and transferring him to a hospital outside the prison, the henchmen even returned him from Evin prison’s clinic back to his cell and have refused to provide him with medical care.

In Orumiyeh Prison, Alireza Rasouli, a Kurdish political prisoner, is in a dire condition. He suffers from cancer and osteoporosis. He has been on hunger strike for the past 26 days in protest against the lack of medical care.

The Iranian Resistance calls on all international bodies and human rights organs to take urgent measures regarding the condition of political prisoners, especially the sick, who are in difficult conditions in the regime’s prisons.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 6, 2014

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