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Iran: Political prisoner in critical state on his sixth day of dry hunger strike

Sample ImageNCRI – The state of Majid Tavakoli, a student from Polytechnic University of Tehran being held as political prisoner, has turned critical on the sixth day of his dry hunger strike. He is still in solitary confinement in Ward 240 of Evin prison and is suffering from bleeding in his stomach and is unable to talk.

In protest against his transfer to solitary confinement, he went on a dry hunger strike on May 23. Upon his refusal to write a letter of repentance and resisting pressures by mullahs’ prosecutor Jafari Dowlatabadi to appeal to the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei for amnesty, he was taken to solitary confinement.

Majid Tavakoli, a student activist from Polytechnic University, after enduring physical and psychological tortures in severe conditions of solitary confinement, has developed various ailments including infection in his lungs.

The physical condition of Majid Tavakoli’s mother, who started a hunger strike in solidarity with his son, is also deteriorating.

Iranian Resistance warns against the threat to Mr. Tavakoli’s life and calls on the United Nations Secretary General, High Commissioner for Human Rights, relevant UN special rapporteurs and all international human rights organizations to condemn the clerical regime’s crimes and take urgent measures to save the life of Mr. Tavakoli and facilitate the release of all political prisoners.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 28, 2010