Iran: Persistent Execution Practices and Inhumane Amputations of Hands

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Actions Perpetrated by Agents of the Khamenei Regime in Fear of People’s Uprising

Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, is sending more and more prisoners to the gallows every day, fearing the people’s uprising. Today, on Tuesday, January 9, two prisoners named Mohammad Ali Mirzaei and Mahmoud Mirzaei were hanged in Qezelhessar prison. On Monday, January 8, three prisoners named Mohammad Hossein Garavand, Keyumars Gholami, and Hamed were executed in the same prison. On Saturday, January 6, Saeed Moradian and another prisoner in Hamedan Central Prison, on Thursday, January 4, Soheil Jeloran and Hojjat Kalkhoran in Ardabil Central Prison, and Asghar Barzegar in Yazd Central Prison, and on Wednesday, January 3, a prisoner named Amir Ahmadzadeh in Sabzevar Prison were hanged.

In addition to the four prisoners whose executions were announced in previous statements, a prisoner named Naghi Zayerfar was hanged in Maragheh prison on Tuesday, January 2.

In another development, according to the government news agency Mehr on January 7, Ali Mozaffari, the chief justice of Qom province, announced the amputation of the hands of two individuals for theft. This brutal punishment is carried out while the leaders of the regime and the commanders of the Revolutionary Guard are the biggest thieves in Iran’s history, embezzling billions of dollars of people’s assets or wasting them on projects related to repression, nuclear activities, warmongering, and sponsoring terrorism to preserve the regime. Recently, embezzlement of three billion and seven hundred million dollars was exposed in the “Debsh” Agriculture and Industry Company affiliated with government officials and the Revolutionary Guard, but no one has been prosecuted or punished for it. According to the Khabar-Online website’s report on December 5, 2023, Heshmatollah Falahat Pisheh, the former head of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission of the regime’s parliament, said, “The biggest disgrace and embezzlement have taken place in the government, and we witness the silence of parliamentary oversight.”

Simultaneously, Ahmad Sadeghi, a member of the Tehran City Council, revealed: “170 trillion rials of Tehran municipality revenues have disappeared.”

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), stated that the inhumane and anti-Islamic punishment of hand amputation, by a regime that has destroyed Iran and looted its wealth, is indicative of the regime’s failure in the face of the people’s desire to overthrow it. If there is to be any amputation, it should be the hands of the usurping regime of the mullahs, and the hands of Ali Khamenei, Ebrahim Raisi, and other criminals and large-scale thieves, cut off from the lives and property of the people. The case of a regime that enforces the most heinous medieval punishments in the 21st century should be referred to the United Nations Security Council, and its leaders should be held accountable for justice. Indifference and inaction in the face of such a regime encourage the continuation and intensification of crimes against humanity.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

January 9, 2024

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