Iran: Number of Criminal Executions Exceeded 100 for the Second Successive Month


During the Iranian Month of Azar (November 22- December 21), the Number of Criminal Executions Exceeded 100 for the Second Successive Month

Shocking confession of a parliament representative to 1000-2000 death row in Delfan

In the past 30 days (Iranian month of Azar), the henchmen of Khamenei executed at least 102 prisoners to create fear and terror in order to confront the growing protests and uprisings of the Iranian people. This is the second consecutive Iranian month in which the number of criminal executions has exceeded 100. In the previous Iranian month (Aban), the number of recorded executions was as high as 106. However, the actual number of executions is higher.

Among the executed prisoners in Azar, there were a number of political prisoners who supported the MEK, Sunni compatriots, prisoners of the 2019 and 2022 uprisings, and rebellious youth. Among the executed prisoners, there were at least 21 Baluch compatriots, two prisoners who were under the age of 18 at the time of the crime, and one athlete (third place in Asia in desert running).

On Saturday, December 23, two prisoners named Karamollah Lorestani and Hossein Papi were hanged in the central prison of Khorramabad. On Thursday, December 21, Mohammad Saleh Emami was hanged in Tayabad prison and Mojtaba Ayyami in the central prison of Qom. On December 20, in addition to the prisoners announced in the previous statement, two prisoners were hanged in the central prison of Ardabil by the regime’s judiciary.

Meanwhile, Yahya Ebrahimi, a parliament representative from the city of Delfan with a population of 150,000, said, “One thousand to two thousand of our compatriots in the city of Delfan have been sentenced to death and are in the execution phase. … I was really regretful for myself and for the officials who have created the conditions for crime and the basis for these executions over the past 44 years.” The criminal prosecutor of Delfan, Younes Azadpour, who was terrified by the disclosure of this figure, said to the Tasnim news agency affiliated with the terrorist Quds Force, “Ebrahimi has stated the statistics of drug-related death sentences in this city by quoting others which is not an official statistic.”

The Iranian Resistance once again calls on the United Nations, relevant bodies, the European Union, and member states to take urgent action to stop the execution machine and the massacre by the Iranian regime and save the lives of thousands of prisoners on death row. The Resistance also calls for a visit by an international fact-finding mission to Iranian prisons and meetings with prisoners, especially those on death row and political prisoners.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

December 24, 2023

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